vrijdag 31 oktober 2014

Bulb burnout: CFL bulbs not lasting as long as some claim - CTV News

CTV News

Bulb burnout: CFL bulbs not lasting as long as some claim

CTV News

Every Friday, Lynda Steele dips into the viewer mailbag to answer your questions. This week, Steele on Your Side investigates bulb burnout and combining Aeroplan points. CFL bulb burnout. Sylvain wrote us to ask about the lifespan of compact ...

donderdag 30 oktober 2014

Médicos con burnout: los más afectados son los argentinos - lanacion.com (Argentina)

lanacion.com (Argentina)

Médicos con burnout: los más afectados son los argentinos

lanacion.com (Argentina)

"El síndrome de burnout [agotamiento extremo] aparece cuando fracasan los mecanismos de adaptación a situaciones laborales con un estrés sostenido", escriben el argentino Daniel Flichtentrei, de Intramed.net, y sus colegas del Instituto de ...

Andy Murray weary and wary of burnout - The Times (subscription)

The Times (subscription)

Andy Murray weary and wary of burnout

The Times (subscription)

There is only one hurdle now between Andy Murray and a place in the Barclays ATP World Tour Finals, and while even losing to Grigor Dimitrov is unlikely to deny him a place in London, what condition the Scot will be in when he gets there is another matter.

woensdag 29 oktober 2014

Tips for Avoiding Burnout - ABC News

Tips for Avoiding Burnout

ABC News

Easy to understand why this is trending on fast company's website. How to beat burnout. Happens to so many of us trying to juggle work and personal lives. Offering tips from successful executives on... See More. Easy to understand why this is trending ...

Firetruck Doing Burnout With Siren Blaring is Every 8-Year-Old's Dream - CarBuzz

Firetruck Doing Burnout With Siren Blaring is Every 8-Year-Old's Dream


This is not be the biggest burnout you will ever see. The clouds of smoke won't completely engulf the vehicle doing them, and there won't even be the sound of a big V8 bouncing off the rev limiter to go with it. But there will be a siren, because the ...

Apartment fire drains Mountain Home Fire Burnout Fund - KTVB

Apartment fire drains Mountain Home Fire Burnout Fund


The fire department helped all the families with money from their burnout fund, and used the entire balance of the fund. "This is the largest fire in terms of people being displaced that I'm aware of in Mountain Home. 12 families, 12 structure fires ...

dinsdag 28 oktober 2014

Job burnout - Sun.Star

Job burnout


JOB burnout is a special type of job stress -- a state of physical, emotional or mental exhaustion, combined with doubts about your competence and value at work, according to Mayo Clinic. Burnout is a gradual process. It doesn't happen overnight. It ...

Tips To Avoid Manager Burnout Following a Promotion - Big Think

Tips To Avoid Manager Burnout Following a Promotion

Big Think

Not everyone is cut out to be a manager. Sometimes a terrific team player gets rewarded with a promotion only to flounder under the pressure of leadership. Other times a fresh hire will allow the newfound power to get to his or her head and cause all ...

maandag 27 oktober 2014

How The Most Successful People Conquer Burnout - Fast Company

Fast Company

How The Most Successful People Conquer Burnout

Fast Company

Here's the scariest thing about burnout: It's easy not to see it coming when you're doing something you're passionate about. After several years of head-down-focused work, day in and day out, you'll start to feel the rigorous training you've forced ...

zondag 26 oktober 2014

Tieneryoga: 'Just do it' - Dichtbij.nl


Tieneryoga: 'Just do it'


'Burn out dreigt voor driekwart tieners'. Als tiener 'al' een burnout… wow. Maar je hoeft niet tegen een burnout aan te hangen om naar de tieneryogales te komen... Maar wat is het nou dat jou als tiener zo gevoelig maakt voor iets waarvan men dacht ...

vrijdag 24 oktober 2014

Former UFC Burnout Matt Riddle Is Training At Ring Of Honor - Uproxx


Former UFC Burnout Matt Riddle Is Training At Ring Of Honor


Matt “Deep Waters” Riddle holds a special place in the MMA world. He would have had a four-fight winning streak, but a pair of positive drug tests for marijuana (Big shock, I know) turned wins into no contests. That, coupled with the fact that he ...

woensdag 22 oktober 2014

Five ways to prevent work-life burnout - Stuff.co.nz


Five ways to prevent work-life burnout


And even though a healthy environment is high on our list of workplace priorities, stress is on the rise and burnout is rife. Work-life balance might be a myth, but there are ways to prevent burnout. And finding the calm within the storm of life is not ...

Hallberg's Picture of Health: Avoiding physician burnout - Minnesota Public Radio News

Hallberg's Picture of Health: Avoiding physician burnout

Minnesota Public Radio News

In this installment, Steven John, sitting in for host Tom Crann, and Dr. Jon Hallberg confront the problem of physician burnout. Surveys and research indicate the doctor shortage, an increase in patients from the Affordable Care Act, and more ...

dinsdag 21 oktober 2014

Boek over burn-out gratis te downloaden - Dichtbij.nl


Boek over burn-out gratis te downloaden


Spaak is een autobiografische roman over de burn-out die Carrière trof in 2003. Het duurde even voordat Carrière er overheen was en in Spaak kijkt hij een paar jaar later terug op zijn burn-out. Hij heeft dan inmiddels een huisje in het Stadspark ...

Five ways to prevent burnout and find work balance - Sydney Morning Herald

Sydney Morning Herald

Five ways to prevent burnout and find work balance

Sydney Morning Herald

Most of us struggle to find the work-life sweet spot. And even though a healthy environment is high on our list of workplace priorities, stress is on the rise and burnout is rife. In fact, for the first time mental stress disorders have overtaken ...

maandag 20 oktober 2014

Five ways to avoid burnout at work - Telegraph.co.uk


Five ways to avoid burnout at work


The struggle to maintain one's inner peace and avoid burnout has become a standard ingredient of modern working life. Many of us attend seminars on work-life-balance, we see therapists, we meditate, or we seek advice on how to handle stressful careers.

How To Recognize And Overcome Job Burnout - Forbes

How To Recognize And Overcome Job Burnout


Are you sitting at your desk, but can't seem to get anything done? Frustrated with your job and feeling angry or cynical about it? Find yourself getting impatient and irritable with co-workers or customers? Then you might be experiencing job burnout ...

zaterdag 18 oktober 2014

Rediscovering the lost greatness of Burnout Paradise - Total Xbox (blog)

Rediscovering the lost greatness of Burnout Paradise

Total Xbox (blog)

I started playing Paradise, a game I inexplicably missed at release, just to see if Crash Junction held up. The Burnout staple, in which you were placed at an accident hotspot and told to heat it up further by jumping, tumbling and, presumably ...

Now Playing: Burnout Paradise - Total Xbox (blog)

Now Playing: Burnout Paradise

Total Xbox (blog)

I started playing Paradise, a game I inexplicably missed at release, just to see if Crash Junction held up. The Burnout staple, in which you were placed at an accident hotspot and told to heat it up further by jumping, tumbling and, presumably ...

vrijdag 17 oktober 2014

Boek over burn-out gratis te downloaden - Dichtbij.nl

Boek over burn-out gratis te downloaden


Spaak is een autobiografische roman over de burn-out die Carrière trof in 2003. Het duurde even voordat Carrière er overheen was en in Spaak kijkt hij een paar jaar later terug op zijn burn-out. Hij heeft dan inmiddels een huisje in het Stadspark ...

donderdag 16 oktober 2014

This Is Why You Don't Do A Stoplight Burnout When No Cops Are Around - Jalopnik

This Is Why You Don't Do A Stoplight Burnout When No Cops Are Around


That smoke was the product of a burn-out allegedly performed by the driver of a Holden Commodore utility that was stopped at the traffic lights at Beeliar Drive and Stock Road about 6.45pm on October 8. There were two cars stopped in front of this utility.

5 Simple Ways to Fight Burnout - Business 2 Community

Business 2 Community

5 Simple Ways to Fight Burnout

Business 2 Community

5 Simple Ways to Fight Burnout image stressed office When's the last time you felt burnt out? In this day and age, it's practically the norm to be stressed, overworked, and saddled with too many responsibilities. Small wonder that the modern western ...

woensdag 15 oktober 2014

The Cure for Fitness Burnout - Men's Fitness

The Cure for Fitness Burnout

Men's Fitness

It'll hit after you make serious gains in the gym. You'll probably be in, or on your way to, the best shape of your life. That's when you just won't feel like doing it anymore. It's called burnout - or the loss of drive, passion, and interest in ...

maandag 13 oktober 2014

Pain Specialists Show Increasing Rates of Burnout - Anesthesiology News

Pain Specialists Show Increasing Rates of Burnout

Anesthesiology News

Montreal—The high rate of burnout among pain specialists found in a recent study may be a wake-up call to the specialty, as it places these physicians at risk for substance abuse, interpersonal difficulties and suicidal tendencies, and also increases ...

zaterdag 11 oktober 2014

Burn-out: de valkuil van passie - DeinzeOnline

Burn-out: de valkuil van passie


Een burn-out komt niet uit de lucht gevallen. Maanden of zelfs jaren is dit een onzichtbare valkuil voor actieve en ondernemende mensen. Sinds 1 September 2014 worden bedrijven ook wettelijk verplicht om psychosociale risico's op het werk te beperken.

donderdag 9 oktober 2014

4 Steps to Avoiding Burnout as a Single Mom - Huffington Post

4 Steps to Avoiding Burnout as a Single Mom

Huffington Post

That is the area in which burnout is knocking on our door. Through personal experience I am here to let you know, give you a permission slip if you will, that it's okay to not get it all done! Really, it's okay. We don't allow ourselves to feel this ...

Beat Burnout But Score Results - Entrepreneur

Beat Burnout But Score Results


http://http://theprofitgoddess.com/productivity-quiz/Whether your job depends on it or you're just super competitive, there is a way to finish the year strong and prep for 2015. Commit to this five-step plan to maximize your productivity and set the ...

Pain Specialists Show Increasing Rates of Burnout - Anesthesiology News

Pain Specialists Show Increasing Rates of Burnout

Anesthesiology News

Montreal—The high rate of burnout among pain specialists found in a recent study may be a wake-up call to the specialty, as it places these physicians at risk for substance abuse, interpersonal difficulties and suicidal tendencies, and also increases ...

maandag 6 oktober 2014

I'm a Recovering Burnout - Huffington Post

I'm a Recovering Burnout

Huffington Post

It was the perfect spot to seek refuge in, admit my burn out and find some recovery remedy. Recovering from burn out is actually as uncomfortable as what caused my burn out to begin with. I didn't communicate with the outside world for a month. I sat ...

zondag 5 oktober 2014

Burn-out en gedachten-management - Managers Online

Burn-out en gedachten-management

Managers Online

Sinds de term burn-out vanuit Amerika naar Nederland overwaaide, struikel je over de aanbieders van burn-out-oplossingen. Elke therapie kent succesverhalen en mislukkingen. Ook al zijn behandelaars over dat laatste niet altijd even eerlijk. Hun ...

zaterdag 4 oktober 2014

Teenagers from aspirational families suffering 'executive stress burnout' - Telegraph.co.uk


Teenagers from aspirational families suffering 'executive stress burnout'


“A highly targeted, focused, pressured, academic system where I'm seeing 14, 15, 16-year-olds presenting with what looks like executive stress burn out. “We're seeing young people who don't know how to fail. Risk taking isn't allowed - if we fail then ...

woensdag 1 oktober 2014

Effectieve burn-out preventie en behandeling met neurofeedback - Dichtbij.nl


Effectieve burn-out preventie en behandeling met neurofeedback


HILVERSUM - Burn-out is een term voor het verschijnsel compleet fysiek en psychisch opgebrand te zijn. Met een burn-out ben je soms niet eens meer in staat om de eenvoudigste taken uit te voeren ( zoals koken en lezen) zonder totaal uitgeput te raken.