woensdag 24 september 2014

Gezocht: werknemers met burn-out - Het Belang van Limburg

Gezocht: werknemers met burn-out

Het Belang van Limburg

Sinds 1 september zijn burn-outs wettelijk erkend. Bedrijven moeten meer doen om de psychosociale risico's op de werkvloer te vermijden. Ze moeten er onder meer voor zorgen dat hun werknemers niet het slachtoffer worden van stress en burn-outs. Wij ...

dinsdag 23 september 2014

Burn-out bij actieve en ondernemende mensen. - Het Nieuwsblad

Burn-out bij actieve en ondernemende mensen.

Het Nieuwsblad

JCI Deinze en Leiestreek organiseert, in samenwerking met klinisch psycholoog en consultant Frank Van der Elst, een lezing over burn-out bij actieve en ondernemende mensen. Burn-out is de grootste valkuil voor zij die gedreven zijn in hun werk en ...

maandag 22 september 2014

Risicofactoren voor burnout moeten niet enkel op de werkvloer worden gezocht - Express.be


Risicofactoren voor burnout moeten niet enkel op de werkvloer worden gezocht


Jobstress is niet de enige factor die tot een professionele burnout kan leiden. Dat is de conclusie van een onderzoek van wetenschappers aan de Concordia University en de University of Montreal bij nagenoeg tweeduizend Canadese werknemers.

zondag 21 september 2014

Herken en voorkom de burn-out - Singlessite


Herken en voorkom de burn-out


We kennen inmiddels allemaal wel iemand die getroffen is door een burn-out. Genoodzaakt te stoppen met werken, moe thuis, lusteloos en nergens energie voor. Je denkt vast dat jij nooit met een burn-out thuis komt te zitten, maar wist je dat zowel jonge ...

donderdag 18 september 2014

Burn-out Business - ManagementSite.nl

Burn-out Business


Nadat ik al dertien jaar lang als consultant, (interim)manager en change manager met hart en ziel werkte bij verschillende profit en not-for-profit organisaties, raakte ik burn out. Persoonlijk vond ik een burn-out altijd iets voor de mindere goden ...

woensdag 17 september 2014

'School moet burn-out jongeren helpen voorkomen' - Nationale Zorggids

Nationale Zorggids

'School moet burn-out jongeren helpen voorkomen'

Nationale Zorggids

Het onderwijs moet een burn-outpreventieprogramma als project opnemen in de lesstof, dit vindt Pieter Frijters van Frijters MindTuning, een instituut dat burn-out behandelingen biedt. Drie op de vier jongeren loopt het risico om in een burn-out te raken.

dinsdag 16 september 2014

Real Travel: I Beat Career Burnout by Quitting My Corporate Job to Travel - Yahoo Travel

Yahoo Travel

Real Travel: I Beat Career Burnout by Quitting My Corporate Job to Travel

Yahoo Travel

Who: At 36 I decided to fight the career burnout battle with a one-way ticket out of the country. I was in a job that wouldn't let me take more than one week of vacation at a time, which kept me on a tight geographical leash. I was exhausted with ...

maandag 15 september 2014

I faced burnout working as a GP in the NHS – I had to stop - The Guardian

The Guardian

I faced burnout working as a GP in the NHS – I had to stop

The Guardian

It's not because I am indispensible, but because I can now see, when I look back, that like many of my hard working, compassionate colleagues, I was heading for burnout. We are all told we have a professional obligation to seek help if we're not coping ...

vrijdag 12 september 2014

Battling Burnout in Agency Life - Business 2 Community

Business 2 Community

Battling Burnout in Agency Life

Business 2 Community

As a psychological term, burnout is defined as a state of chronic exhaustion characterized by cynicism and inefficacy, often associated with overwork and occupational stress. In other words, it's when you start dreading work each morning because you're ...

Overheidsbeleid vergroot kans op burn-out - Nieuws.nl

Overheidsbeleid vergroot kans op burn-out


"De verwachtingen die dit schept, staan op gespannen voet met het streven burn-out te bestrijden", schrijven de SCP-onderzoekers. "Het ideaalbeeld van de werknemer die succesvol is in arbeid en zorg, actief en flexibel blijft tot aan het pensioen, en ...

donderdag 11 september 2014

Manage Your Energy Better And Avoid Burnout - AOL Jobs

Manage Your Energy Better And Avoid Burnout

AOL Jobs

Having worked with countless top athletes and executives on the verge of burnout, Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz, in their article "The Making of a Corporate Athlete," in Harvard Business Review's "Bringing Your Whole Self to Work," put forth their recipe ...

Avoid Late-Season Burnout - Triathlete Europe

Triathlete Europe

Avoid Late-Season Burnout

Triathlete Europe

For many amateur triathletes, Autumn means it's time to wind down the training, start (finally) practicing yoga or get back to focusing on work or family. But for top age groupers or anyone targeting a late-season “A” race, now is the time to peak and ...

Hükümet politikası 'burn-out'u tetikliyor! - SonHABER


Hükümet politikası 'burn-out'u tetikliyor!


Sosyal Kültürel Plan Ofisi (SCP) tarafından yapılan ve sonuçları Perşembe günü açıklanan bir araştırmaya göre, Sosyal İşler Bakanı Lodewijk Asscher'ın geçtiğimiz yıl sunduğu 4 yıllık “iş stresi” konulu planı aslında kişilerde burnout olarak bilinen ...

Survey highlights burnout fears in young GAA players - Irish Independent

Irish Independent

Survey highlights burnout fears in young GAA players

Irish Independent

They will be of major concern within the Association as the issue of player burnout returns to the agenda. The survey discovered that 62pc of minors played games while carrying injuries, while 42pc reported "experiencing chronic fatigue". This arises ...

woensdag 10 september 2014

Avoid Late-Season Burnout - Triathlete Europe

Avoid Late-Season Burnout

Triathlete Europe

For many amateur triathletes, Autumn means it's time to wind down the training, start (finally) practicing yoga or get back to focusing on work or family. But for top age groupers or anyone targeting a late-season “A” race, now is the time to peak and ...

dinsdag 9 september 2014

Bucks County officials fight apathy, burnout for the county's overdose problem - Newsworks.org


Bucks County officials fight apathy, burnout for the county's overdose problem


Bucks County officials fight apathy, burnout for the county's overdose problem. play. pause. Bucks County officials fight apathy, burnout for the county's overdose problem. /. mute unmute. A heroin addict holds a used syringe in his mouth after ...

maandag 8 september 2014

Why Burnout 3: Takedown is still the greatest racing game of all time, 10 ... - Videogamer.com

Why Burnout 3: Takedown is still the greatest racing game of all time, 10 ...


Burnout 3 was released in europe on 10th September 2004, and instantly asserted itself as the best racing game of all time and the game that finally broke my ailing PS2. The preceding games were excellent in their own ways - Burnout 2 in particular ...

„Arbeitgeber tragen Mitschuld an Burnout“ - Berliner Zeitung

Berliner Zeitung

„Arbeitgeber tragen Mitschuld an Burnout“

Berliner Zeitung

Mehrere große Krankenkassen werfen Arbeitgebern eine Mitschuld an der steigenden Zahl von Burnout-Erkrankungen und Depressionsfällen in den Unternehmen vor. Die Kassenchefs rufen die Firmenbosse zu einem Kurswechsel auf.

vrijdag 5 september 2014

Motivation, Engagement und Anti-Burnout: Das eigene Feuer auch im Job am ... - FOCUS Online

FOCUS Online

Motivation, Engagement und Anti-Burnout: Das eigene Feuer auch im Job am ...

FOCUS Online

Ich habe keinen Einfluss darauf.“ Mit so einer Einstellung ist der Boden für Burnout und Demotivation bestens bereitet. Denn wenn wir keine Chance sehen, unseren Zustand selber zu beeinflussen, dann gibt es ja auch keinen Grund mehr, sich anzustrengen.

Nursing Informatics: A Refuge for Nurses in the Throes of Burnout - Healthcare Informatics

Nursing Informatics: A Refuge for Nurses in the Throes of Burnout

Healthcare Informatics

Nurses perform an essential job function that can be very draining. Unfortunately, many nurses in the United States are beginning to experience the impact of long, demanding hours of work. Professional nurse burnout comes from a combination of long ...

Saimon Says: De 10 beste PSP-games - InsideGamer

Saimon Says: De 10 beste PSP-games


Burnout Dominator was ook wel goed voor uren onderweg. Als GTA fan vond ik GTA Liberty en Vice City stories echt FUCKING VET, maar Chinatown Wars vond ik op de één of andere manier nog veel leuker! Uiteraard ook Peace Walker op mijn PSP.

donderdag 4 september 2014

IT Resume Makeover: How to Avoid Buzzword Burnout - CIO

IT Resume Makeover: How to Avoid Buzzword Burnout


A CIO-level executive's resume was crowded, cryptic and wasn't getting his message across. In this edition of CIO.com's Resume Makeover, careers expert Donald Burns comes to rescue and takes the resume from gibberish to meaningful. Sharon Florentine.

woensdag 3 september 2014

7 Ways To Set Yourself Up For A Physical And Mental Breakdown - Business Insider

Business Insider

7 Ways To Set Yourself Up For A Physical And Mental Breakdown

Business Insider

Defined as physical or mental collapse caused by overwork or stress, “burnout” has intercepted our lives in some aspect at some point. Consider how many gym memberships purchased in January go unused in July, the attrition of half your marathon ...

De la stres la sindrom burnout. Simptome si solutii - Psychologies


De la stres la sindrom burnout. Simptome si solutii


Agentia Europeana pentru Securitatea si Sanatatea Muncii estimeaza faptul ca o treime dintre medici si o parte semnificativa apopulatiei sufera de burnout, iar 10% dintre ei ajung sa aiba deteriorari grave ale starii de sanatate, cum ar fi depresia ...

dinsdag 2 september 2014

Check Out BMW's Smokey Burnout Function in Action [Video] - autoevolution


Check Out BMW's Smokey Burnout Function in Action [Video]


In its latest video, we get to see the Smokey Burnout function in action. Basically, all you have to do is switch the car in Sport+, turn off the DSC, press the accelerator hard and release the brake pedal before activating Launch Control. Then ...

maandag 1 september 2014

Burnout 101 for Caregivers - The Epoch Times

Burnout 101 for Caregivers

The Epoch Times

But when does such labor of love trigger burnout anger in the caregiver? A report from Johns Hopkins University states that the average unpaid, or informal, caregiver is a 46-year-old female with a full- or part-time job who spends about 20 hours a ...