Mindfulness Could Prevent Teacher Burnout, Study Suggests Huffington Post It's hard to dispute that teachers are some of the hardest workers out there. They wake up at the crack of dawn and work long after their students have left for the day. And now, a small new study has identified a possible tool that could help prevent ... |
zaterdag 31 augustus 2013
Mindfulness Could Prevent Teacher Burnout, Study Suggests - Huffington Post
vrijdag 30 augustus 2013
Rim Fire - Friday Update: Burnout Operations and Air Attack Slow Fire's Growth - Capital Public Radio News
Rim Fire - Friday Update: Burnout Operations and Air Attack Slow Fire's Growth Capital Public Radio News Today's plans are to continue the burnout in the Yosemite National Park south of Hetch Hetchy. If conditions allow, the Duckwall Mountain north to Fahey Meadow burnout will start. Air operations will be used to support all firefighting efforts, as needed. |
De officiële GTA 5-trailer - Gamer.nl
De officiële GTA 5-trailer Gamer.nl De besturing van GTA4 was toch redelijk sim, maar net iets minder zwabberen had wel gemogen, als ze dat doen dan vind ik dat geweldig, ik heb het dus niet zo op burnout, met Burnout lijkt het net of de auto zweeft over de weg, in plaats dat de auto ... |
donderdag 29 augustus 2013
Factors associated with burnout among Chinese hospital doctors: a cross ... - 7thSpace Interactive (press release)
Factors associated with burnout among Chinese hospital doctors: a cross ... 7thSpace Interactive (press release) However, there is a paucity of research exploring the factors related to burnout among Chinese doctors. Investigation of these factors is important to improve the health of doctors and the quality of healthcare services in China. Methods: The study ... |
woensdag 28 augustus 2013
Jurala hydel units hit by burn-out in electrical circuit - Hindu Business Line
Jurala hydel units hit by burn-out in electrical circuit Hindu Business Line Short-circuit in the electrical system has impacted power generation in four units of Jurala hydel power project located in Mahabubnagar district of Andhra Pradesh. The Jurala project has six units of 39 MW each aggregating 234 MW. Of these, four units ... |
Burnout: Revenge - Gamers Hell
Burnout: Revenge Gamers Hell North America Retail Box Art · United Kingdom Retail Box Art Burnout: Revenge is not about winning. It's not about riding on dubs or gaudy neon lights. It's about being the fastest, most dangerous racer on the road. Fight dirty or go down in flames ... |
Why 'millennial burnout syndrome' needs to be taken seriously - The Globe and Mail
The Globe and Mail | Why 'millennial burnout syndrome' needs to be taken seriously The Globe and Mail A Huffington Post feature by May Warren wonders whether there are just too many expectations on twentysomething women who have been told they can – and should – expect a good job and a happy family. But Warren asks: Is it really realistic? |
dinsdag 27 augustus 2013
Arianna Huffington - Stress Burnout The Third Metric - Refinery29 - Refinery29
Arianna Huffington - Stress Burnout The Third Metric - Refinery29 Refinery29 Arianna Huffington is no stranger to stress (as she told us recently, she once fainted from exhaustion and broke her cheekbone — talk about a wake-up call), which is why she launched The Third Metric, a HuffPo campaign that's aiming to promote the ... |
zondag 25 augustus 2013
Racegames op de gamescom '13 (Multiplatform) - Gameliner.nl
Racegames op de gamescom '13 (Multiplatform) Gameliner.nl Need for Speed: Most Wanted van vorig jaar had verdacht veel weg van Burnout Paradise en werd bovendien door hetzelfde team ontwikkeld. Als je die nog niet hebt gecheckt zou ik die zeker eerst aanraden, is vast voor een prikkie ergens te vinden. |
vrijdag 23 augustus 2013
Burnout bij gemotiveerde atleten - Hardloop Krant
Burnout bij gemotiveerde atleten Hardloop Krant Burnout bij atleten is gerelateerd aan extrinsieke motivatie. Dit vonden onderzoekers van de universiteit van Californië bij bijna 600 atleten. Degenen die een hoge score op een burnout-vragenlijst behaalden, scoorden ook hoog op extrinsieke motivatie. |
donderdag 22 augustus 2013
5 verborgen tekenen dat je afstevent op burn-out - Goed Gevoel
5 verborgen tekenen dat je afstevent op burn-out Goed Gevoel Bij een gezonde dosis stress is sport ideaal om het hoofd leeg te maken, maar wanneer je een burn-out hebt, kan sport echt slecht voor je lichaam zijn. Als je echt veel stress hebt, reageert je lichaam namelijk anders op sport. Gematigde ... |
BIC Hosts Exciting Popular Burnout Night - Bahrain News Agency
Bahrain News Agency | BIC Hosts Exciting Popular Burnout Night Bahrain News Agency (BNA) -- Bahrain International Circuit (BIC), “the Home of Motorsport in the Middle East,” is set to host an exciting Burnout Night at the Sakhir facility on Friday (Aug. 23). The event follows on from BIC's successful Burnout Nights series of events ... |
APOEL NICOSIA in 3 vragen - Het Nieuwsblad
Het Nieuwsblad | APOEL NICOSIA in 3 vragen Het Nieuwsblad ... tegen Maribor werd uitgesloten voor al te woest gedrag, gevolgd door een middenvinger naar de ref. Assistent Sergio Cruz neemt de honneurs vanavond waar, maar komt net uit een burnout: hij kreeg pas deze week een 'go' van de dokters. |
woensdag 21 augustus 2013
Four Ways to Fight Digital Burnout - Associations Now
Four Ways to Fight Digital Burnout Associations Now But there are more practical ways we can soothe the burnout. He's not alone. Taking a hiatus from the bits and bleeps of the online world has turned into a digital-age trend piece that includes The Verge's Paul Miller, who just returned from a yearlong ... |
dinsdag 20 augustus 2013
Lolo Complex fires at 5000 acres after overnight burnout - Billings Gazette
Lolo Complex fires at 5000 acres after overnight burnout Billings Gazette Overnight, firefighters conducted a burnout along Elk Meadows Road, in an attempt to remove unburned fuel and create a possible fuel break. Super said a national Type 1 incident management team is en route to the fire and will be briefed on the ... |
Arbeitnehmer verheimlichen psychische Erkrankungen - Spiegel Online
Arbeitnehmer verheimlichen psychische Erkrankungen Spiegel Online Ob Depression oder Burnout: Psychische Krankheiten sind laut einer neuen Studie der dritthäufigste Grund für Fehlzeiten im Job. Doch viele Betroffene kommen trotz des Leidens zur Arbeit - aus Angst. Frau am Arbeitsplatz: Viele versuchen, ihre Probleme ... |
The Jello Belt: Mormon Culture and Burnout - Meridian Magazine
The Jello Belt: Mormon Culture and Burnout Meridian Magazine The “Jello Belt” is a funny term I heard years ago to describe a certain culture found in Utah, Idaho, and Arizona. I thought it was a fun way to refer to the Jello-eating culture of Mormons and have used it ever since. And I thought it was the perfect ... |
Die Schnüffelei hat sie kaputt gemacht | Therapie für Burnout-Hunde - BILD
BILD | Die Schnüffelei hat sie kaputt gemacht | Therapie für Burnout-Hunde BILD Antriebslos, ausgebrannt, aggressiv. Diagnose: Burn-out – ein Hundeleben! In Hamburg gibt es jetzt eine spezielle Physiotherapie für die gestressten Tiere. In der Praxis genießen Hund und Halterin gemeinsam Entspannungsmassagen. Und nicht nur das. |
maandag 19 augustus 2013
Jij begrijpen, Louis? - Ajax Showtime
Jij begrijpen, Louis? Ajax Showtime Ik heb me een tijdje koest gehouden; een schrijvers burn-out noemen ze het ook wel. De inspiratie was verdwenen. Op zich natuurlijk wel raar als je bijna 5 jaar lang wekelijks een column schrijft over Ajax. En juist als jouw cluppie drie keer achter ... |
zondag 18 augustus 2013
Don't Make This Any Harder: Avoiding Business Burnout - Business 2 Community
Don't Make This Any Harder: Avoiding Business Burnout Business 2 Community Researchers have characterized burnout as a “syndrome of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment among individuals that work with people.” You might characterize it as being tired and pissed off all the time. |
Don't Make This Any Harder: Avoiding Business Burnout - Business 2 Community
Don't Make This Any Harder: Avoiding Business Burnout Business 2 Community If you're doing it all because there is no other way to get it done right, you need to take a hard look at the people on your team. But it's more likely that you are playing the hero card and taking on more work than you need to. You have this whole ... |
Not Safe for Flammable People - Yanko Design - Form Beyond Function
Not Safe for Flammable People Yanko Design - Form Beyond Function Your life, your cat, or any other accidental thing. Or you can just warm your house. What this item is ACTUALLY: is a chimney. It's called “Burn Out,” and it's definitely not made for houses with new puppies or babies or clumsy people. Wood, gloss ... |
zaterdag 17 augustus 2013
Burnout factor a concern for elite - Illawarra Mercury
Burnout factor a concern for elite Illawarra Mercury I know the proposed Nines tournament in New Zealand next year is going to be a great money-spinner for the cash-hungry clubs, but it's not going to help player burnout either. Melbourne coach Craig Bellamy is a genius at managing his elite players. |
'Breaking Bad' burnout - Boston.com
'Breaking Bad' burnout Boston.com 'Breaking Bad' burnout. Bryan Cranston as Walter White in the AMC drama “Breaking Bad.'' Ursula Coyote/AMC Bryan Cranston as Walter White in the AMC drama “Breaking Bad.'' By Matthew Gilbert / Globe Staff / August 16, 2013. This is a summary. |
'Breaking Bad' burnout - Boston Globe
Boston Globe | 'Breaking Bad' burnout Boston Globe Q. I'm tired of reading about “Breaking Bad.” It's good, we get it, enough already. A. Ouch! But I hear you. The scrutiny at times is too much. At a certain point, all the analysis threatens to strip the life out of the show. TV writers start writing ... |
vrijdag 16 augustus 2013
How to Avoid Side Hustle Burnout - Entrepreneur
Entrepreneur | How to Avoid Side Hustle Burnout Entrepreneur Starting your own business is hard enough. But trying to fit that business into nights or weekends after hours of full-time work at a day job can be downright exhausting. It's tempting to give up or become disenchanted with the side hustle when long ... |
Erholung: Schlechter Schlaf wirkt wie Burnout - ZEIT ONLINE
Erholung: Schlechter Schlaf wirkt wie Burnout ZEIT ONLINE Erholung: Schlechter Schlaf wirkt wie Burnout. Hektik, Druck und Überstunden: Viele Berufstätige schlafen zu wenig, damit sie ein hohes Pensum schaffen. Das ist schädlich. Schlafmangel hat ernste Folgen. Von Daniel Rettig. 16. August 201306:25 Uhr. |
donderdag 15 augustus 2013
BLOCKER: Burnout factor a concern for NRL's elite - Illawarra Mercury
BLOCKER: Burnout factor a concern for NRL's elite Illawarra Mercury I know the proposed Nines tournament in New Zealand next year is going to be a great money-spinner for the cash-hungry clubs, but it's not going to help player burnout either. Melbourne coach Craig Bellamy is a genius at managing his elite players. |
Burnout bij gemotiveerde atleten - Hardloop Krant
Burnout bij gemotiveerde atleten Hardloop Krant Burnout bij atleten is gerelateerd aan extrinsieke motivatie. Dit vonden onderzoekers van de universiteit van Californië bij bijna 600 atleten. Degenen die een hoge score op een burnout-vragenlijst behaalden, scoorden ook hoog op extrinsieke motivatie. |
Burnout contest 2013 - Cedarrepublican
Burnout contest 2013 Cedarrepublican Burnout contest 2013 read more. The annual Stockton Area Chamber of Commerce car show ends with the ritual burnout contest. The annual Stockton Area Chamber of Commerce car show ends with the ritual burnout contest. |
Addressing physician stress, burnout, and compassion fatigue: the time has come - 7thSpace Interactive (press release)
Addressing physician stress, burnout, and compassion fatigue: the time has come 7thSpace Interactive (press release) Stress, burnout, and compassion fatigue can have a significant adverse effect of physician well being and patient care. While the frequency and intensity of these negative influences appear to be increasing, there is little help available. We need to ... |
dinsdag 13 augustus 2013
Smartwatches: Smart Sleep Analysis could Help Combat Burnout - Scientific Computing
Scientific Computing | Smartwatches: Smart Sleep Analysis could Help Combat Burnout Scientific Computing Thanks to specially developed software, this smartwatch can be used for sleep analysis: a Tonight will be another sleepless night for countless people, who will toss and turn for hours. And when they finally drift off, they will wake up with a start a ... |
Surviving the End of Summer Burnout - WZZM
Surviving the End of Summer Burnout WZZM Want to know how to survive the end of summer burnout, while getting yourself back into shape for fall? Lifestyle Expert Justine Santaniello shares the latest fixes and must-haves to repair the damage and get you ready for a new season! Website Info: |
Burnout und Depressionen: Manager sind auch nur Menschen - Neue Zürcher Zeitung
Burnout und Depressionen: Manager sind auch nur Menschen Neue Zürcher Zeitung Burnout und Depressionen. Manager sind auch nur Menschen. Wirtschaftsnachrichten Vor 0 Minuten. Die Last der Verantwortung kann sehr schwer wiegen. (Bild: Karin Hofer / NZZ). Manager verdienen viel Geld, also sollten sie keine Schwächen zeigen. |
The Jello Belt: Mormon Culture and Burnout - Meridian Magazine
The Jello Belt: Mormon Culture and Burnout Meridian Magazine The “Jello Belt” is a funny term I heard years ago to describe a certain culture found in Utah, Idaho, and Arizona. I thought it was a fun way to refer to the Jello-eating culture of Mormons and have used it ever since. And I thought it was the perfect ... |
maandag 12 augustus 2013
Let's talk burnout! Is there a way to avoid it? - Deseret News (blog)
Let's talk burnout! Is there a way to avoid it? Deseret News (blog) Her Vitameatavegamin skit is hilarious, but in all seriousness, while there may not be a little pill or tablespoon of tonic that can help us women get healthier, “The Burnout Cure”, a fantastic new read by Julie de Azevedo Hanks gives practical ... |
Man Utd's David Moyes wants to avoid Robin van Persie burnout - The Sport Review
The Sport Review | Man Utd's David Moyes wants to avoid Robin van Persie burnout The Sport Review The Red Devils boss is acutely aware of his limited attacking options, with Wayne Rooney struggling with his fitness, while Javier Hernández missed the Community Shield due to an injury. Van Persie scored either side of half-time against Wigan Athletic ... |
Modern Aging: Caregiving burnout - Richmond Times Dispatch
Modern Aging: Caregiving burnout Richmond Times Dispatch Remember, burnout does not happen all at once; it happens slowly. You stop exercising, you cut out time with friends, you stop routine doctor appointments and checkups, and pretty soon you are in trouble. Work hard to ensure that your needs are among ... |
Games of the generation: 'Burnout Paradise' - Digital Spy UK
Games of the generation: 'Burnout Paradise' Digital Spy UK But spend a few hours getting familiar with the sprawling, vibrant roads of Burnout Paradise, and combined with the tight controls and brilliant sense of speed (running at a slick 60fps) that Criterion is known for, it's a thrill even just exploring ... |
zondag 11 augustus 2013
Avoid Burnout: Make Your Cubicle Your Own - Pacific Standard
Avoid Burnout: Make Your Cubicle Your Own Pacific Standard Not surprisingly, Laurence and his colleagues found a connection between the amount of privacy an employee enjoys and his or her rate of burnout. “High privacy conditions tend to serve as strong protectors against unwelcome interferences and ... |
Games of the generation: 'Burnout Paradise' - Digital Spy UK
Games of the generation: 'Burnout Paradise' Digital Spy UK But spend a few hours getting familiar with the sprawling, vibrant roads of Burnout Paradise, and combined with the tight controls and brilliant sense of speed (running at a slick 60fps) that Criterion is known for, it's a thrill even just exploring ... |
zaterdag 10 augustus 2013
Those who can't even cat blog, nature blog - legal Insurrection (blog)
Those who can't even cat blog, nature blog legal Insurrection (blog) Posted by William A. Jacobson Saturday, August 10, 2013 at 3:48pm. I've figured it out. Nature blogging! So you see, I walked over to Ithaca Falls, about a 10 minute walk from my house, with my friend to help him get over his blogger burnout problems. |
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