![]() TheJaneDough.com | Burnout 101: When It's Time To Escape TheJaneDough.com Couple that with technology that allows us to stay plugged into the office 24/7, and you have the perfect recipe for burnout — even in an industry or position that you love. We don't think that women talk to each other about burning out at work often ... |
dinsdag 30 april 2013
Burnout 101: When It's Time To Escape - TheJaneDough.com
Pulse launches major survey of GP burnout - Pulse
Pulse launches major survey of GP burnout Pulse GPs can measure level of burnout and participate in a profession-wide survey of the level of stress and mental exhaustion by taking part in a new survey launched today by Pulse. The survey comes as RCGP chair Dr Clare Gerada warns the profession has ... |
Doorrijden tot de reservetank leeg is - Eindhovens Dagblad - Eindhovens Dagblad
![]() Eindhovens Dagblad | Doorrijden tot de reservetank leeg is - Eindhovens Dagblad Eindhovens Dagblad Waar in het verleden burn- out en stress het vaakst voorkwamen bij werknemers tussen de 35 en 39 jaar, is dat in 2012 verschoven naar 30 tot 34-jarigen. De Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie verwacht dat in 2020 psychische problemen zelfs de voornaamste ... |
maandag 29 april 2013
How to Avoid Blogging Burnout - Search Engine Journal (blog)
How to Avoid Blogging Burnout Search Engine Journal (blog) Like losing weight, going back to school and so many other things in life, blogging is a project that most webmasters begin with the best intentions. We all know that business blogging can be a powerful way to connect with your audience and promote ... |
zondag 28 april 2013
Fakten und Mythen : Burn-out ist gar keine Krankheit - n-tv.de NACHRICHTEN
Fakten und Mythen : Burn-out ist gar keine Krankheit n-tv.de NACHRICHTEN Jeder hat das schon einmal erlebt: Man fühlt sich schlapp, antriebslos und ausgebrannt. Immer mehr Menschen leiden heute langfristig unter solchen unangenehmen Gefühlen. Burn-out scheint zur Volkskrankheit zu werden. Was Burn-out alles sein und wen ... |
zaterdag 27 april 2013
Photo of the Day: The ultimate BMW M6 Burnout - TFLcar.com
![]() TFLcar.com | Photo of the Day: The ultimate BMW M6 Burnout TFLcar.com There's no mood that a burnout won't make better…especially if it is long, strong and loud! Recently a TFLcar photographer snapped this photo of the 2013 BMW M6 while testing the car's 560 HP V-8. We can now confidently report that 560 horsepower is ... |
Cognitieve beperkingen bij burn-out structureel - Artsennet - Artsennet
![]() Artsennet | Cognitieve beperkingen bij burn-out structureel - Artsennet Artsennet De mindere prestaties van patiënten met een burn-out lijken niet samen te hangen met opvattingen over vermoeidheid of afwijkende taakuitvoeringsstrategieën. Ze verbeterden ook niet door motiverende interventies. Burn-outpatiënten waren niet meer ... |
vrijdag 26 april 2013
US Physicians and Burnout: Optimistic Psychiatrists Take Heart? - Psychiatric Times
US Physicians and Burnout: Optimistic Psychiatrists Take Heart? Psychiatric Times That survey shows that roughly 1 in 4 doctors across various specialties are dealing with at least 1 symptom of burnout—a loss of enthusiasm for work, a sense of cynicism, and/or feelings of inadequate personal accomplishment (Table). Rates of burnout ... |
donderdag 25 april 2013
SCHOOL FINANCES: Stress, burnout feared — DPAC - The Tri-City News
SCHOOL FINANCES: Stress, burnout feared — DPAC The Tri-City News Staff burnout is one of her concerns because teachers and support workers will have to do more with less, and eventually, she said, that will filter down to students. "Something has to give, it has to do, I have absolutely no doubt, that teachers, SEAs ... |
Yahoo CEO tells how to avoid burnout - Business Management Daily
Yahoo CEO tells how to avoid burnout Business Management Daily As one of the most well-known women in technology, Yahoo President and CEO and Marissa Mayer turned a few heads when she announced that she doesn't believe in burnout. How can the woman who was hired in 1999 as Google's 20th employee, who ... |
Psychiatric trainees risk 'burnout' - Irish Medical Times
![]() Irish Medical Times | Psychiatric trainees risk 'burnout' Irish Medical Times All 28 NCHDs were invited to complete the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire II and Copenhagen Burnout Inventory, with some 26 trainees completing both questionnaires. Results were included in a poster, 'Burnout Among Irish Psychiatry Trainees: ... |
woensdag 24 april 2013
Let's Add 'Burnout' to the List of Artist Problems... - Digital Music News
Let's Add 'Burnout' to the List of Artist Problems... Digital Music News Other signs of burnout aren't hard to spot: Rihanna, for example, has shown signs of frying while unexpectedly cancelling dates, including a late-2011 flame-out in Malmo, Sweden. Even Justin Bieber, the youngest of the lot, is barfing on stage and ... |
Stress klachten Voorgoed Weg Door Unieke Multidisciplinaire Site - dé Weekkrant
Stress klachten Voorgoed Weg Door Unieke Multidisciplinaire Site dé Weekkrant En zeker als het gaat om stress klachten, burnout, depressies en overspannen klachten. Je gaat naar de dokter, krijgt een pilletje of je wordt doorgestuurd naar andere genezers. Een geweldig systeem waar veel positieve ontwikkelingen geweest zijn en ... |
Dit kost een gestreste medewerker - DeOndernemer.nl
Dit kost een gestreste medewerker DeOndernemer.nl Het CBS rekent ons voor dat per jaar gemiddeld 13 procent van de werknemers burnout raakt, met zo'n 189 dagen per persoon verzuim. Wetende dat hoger opgeleiden vaker burnout raken (15%) dan lager of middelbaar opgeleiden en dat een HBO-er van ... |
dinsdag 23 april 2013
UK workers heading for "burnout", giving 10 hours free labour a week - HRmagazine.co.uk
![]() HRmagazine.co.uk | UK workers heading for "burnout", giving 10 hours free labour a week HRmagazine.co.uk ... our gadgets and get away from the clutter, pressure and stress of working life. "Cramming extra work into an already busy working week shows danger signs of us becoming a nation of workaholics, heading for serious psychological and physical ... |
Nurses' union warns of 'burnout' after FNQ restructure - ABC Online
Nurses' union warns of 'burnout' after FNQ restructure ABC Online The Queensland Nurses Union (QNU) says health professionals in the state's far north are being given too much work and are at risk of burnout. The Torres Strait and Northern Peninsula Hospital and Health Service has cut another 10 positions on top of ... |
New Workshop Helps Doctors Avoid Burnout, Increase Wellbeing - HealthCanal.com
New Workshop Helps Doctors Avoid Burnout, Increase Wellbeing HealthCanal.com On Saturday, May 11, the Center for Mindfulness at University of California, San Diego School of Medicine is hosting a workshop to help physicians and clinicians increase job satisfaction and prevent burnout. The program will show participants how to ... |
maandag 22 april 2013
Dealing with Burnout in the Workplace - THISDAY Live
Dealing with Burnout in the Workplace THISDAY Live Although experts believe burnout can occur in any workplace; however, they are of the opinion that higher proportions could be found among human service professionals such as physicians, nurses, teachers and social workers. They also agree that burnout ... |
zaterdag 20 april 2013
Ausgebrannt: die Neurobiologie Burn-out beginnt in der Kindheit - FAZ - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Ausgebrannt: die Neurobiologie Burn-out beginnt in der Kindheit FAZ - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Es ist der als Modekrankheit beschriebene Symptomkomplex Burnout, der den Helfern zunehmend zu schaffen macht, wie es bei einem Symposium anlässlich der Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin kürzlich in Wiesbaden hieß. |
vrijdag 19 april 2013
A Novel Idea: Whole-Physician Care - Medscape
![]() Medscape | A Novel Idea: Whole-Physician Care Medscape Rather than ignoring, stigmatizing, or penalizing distressed physicians, Physician Support Services pragmatically addresses the emotional, spiritual, family, and performance issues associated with physician burnout, while intentionally developing ... |
Player burnout won't go away - The Australian
Player burnout won't go away The Australian Player burnout won't go away. by: Stuart Honeysett; From: The Australian; April 20, 2013 12:00AM. Increase Text Size · Decrease Text Size · Print · Email · Share · Add to Digg · Add to del.icio.us · Add to Facebook · Add to Kwoff · Add to Myspace · Add ... |
Workforce Burnout: Is Social Media a Help or a Hindrance? - Huffington Post
Workforce Burnout: Is Social Media a Help or a Hindrance? Huffington Post As technology continues to shape our world, every aspect of our lives is affected -- including our work. While employers are trying to figure out how to manage their employees' time and our messages online, employees are challenged to be tech savvy and ... |
woensdag 17 april 2013
Alledaagse stress - Gezondheidsnet
![]() Gezondheidsnet | Alledaagse stress Gezondheidsnet populaire onderwerpen: geheugen - dementie - stress - angst - hyperventilatie - vermoeidheid - therapie - verslaving - faalangst. Welkom. Inloggen. Nieuwsbrief: < vorige paginaje bevindt je hier: home > stress en burn-out > artikelen > alledaagse ... |
Take caution, avoid burnout - SDSU Collegian
Take caution, avoid burnout SDSU Collegian Burnout (noun): that morning you wake up to find a laundry list of tasks, read them over two or three times, then throw the list away and curl up in bed, forgoing starting the day. If this is you, you're probably not reading this column, because you're ... |
Need for Speed and Burnout studio, Criterion Games, is working on a non-racing ... - GameDynamo
![]() GameDynamo | Need for Speed and Burnout studio, Criterion Games, is working on a non-racing ... GameDynamo British developer Criterion has made its name with racing games, what with its Burnout titles and highly-praised spins on the Need for Speed franchise that it has churned out over the last several years. So it may surprise longtime fans to hear that ... |
Aanhoudende cognitieve beperkingen bij burn-out - Nieuwsbank - Nieuwsbank (persbericht) (abonnement)
Aanhoudende cognitieve beperkingen bij burn-out - Nieuwsbank Nieuwsbank (persbericht) (abonnement) P.A.T.M. Eling Titel promotie Studies on cognitive performance in burnout Beschrijving Burn-out patienten hebben last van uitputting, een afstandelijke houding ten opzichte van het werk en het gevoel er minder goed te functioneren. Veel burn-out ... |
Criterion Dev Debunks Need For Speed Underground, Burnout Rumors, Hints at ... - PlayStation LifeStyle (blog)
![]() PlayStation LifeStyle (blog) | Criterion Dev Debunks Need For Speed Underground, Burnout Rumors, Hints at ... PlayStation LifeStyle (blog) There has been constant speculation as to what Criterion's next game will be, but recently rumors have sprung up about a remake of Need for Speed Underground. However, that does not seem to be the case, as the creative director for Criterion, Alex Ward ... |
Burnout Paradise dev moving away from racing games - PlayStation Universe
Burnout Paradise dev moving away from racing games PlayStation Universe Burnout Paradise developer Criterion Games has seemingly confirmed that the company is moving away from the racing scene for the foreseeable future. News comes by way of a series of Tweets from Criterion's Alex Ward, who suggested fans not get their ... |
Burnout, herken de signalen - 6Minutes - 6minutes
Burnout, herken de signalen - 6Minutes 6minutes Dit blijkt uit een onderzoek van OfficeTeam, een divisie van Robert Half gespecialiseerd in de tewerkstelling van tijdelijke administratieve profielen. HR-managers in Vlaanderen ervaren met 34 procent meer burnouts bij hun werknemers dan Brussel (28 ... |
Burnout creator Criterion to step away from racing games - Videogamer.com
Burnout creator Criterion to step away from racing games Videogamer.com Criterion Games, creator of the much-loved Burnout franchise, is to step away from the racing game genre to make something new, the studio's boss Alex Ward has revealed. Ward took to Twitter in order to quell fan expectations of a Criterion-developed ... |
Criterion Not Working On New Burnout, Moving Away From Racing Genre - Game Revolution
Criterion Not Working On New Burnout, Moving Away From Racing Genre Game Revolution Criterion Games is most known for its stellar work on racing games in the Burnout and Need for Speed franchises, but contrary to recent rumors it looks like they're leaving the comfort of the driving genre to take on something entirely new. Creative ... |
dinsdag 16 april 2013
Criterion Reveals No Plans for New Burnout, Need for Speed or Road Rash Titles - AusGamers
![]() AusGamers | Criterion Reveals No Plans for New Burnout, Need for Speed or Road Rash Titles AusGamers Developer Criterion Games has revealed that the studio has no plans for any new racing titles, including Burnout, Need for Speed or Road Rash. Creative director Alex Ward took to Twitter to reveal the news, stating that "After over a decade of making ... |
Criterion no longer making racers: no Burnout or NFS games planned - games.on.net
![]() games.on.net | Criterion no longer making racers: no Burnout or NFS games planned games.on.net Criterion's boss Alex Ward has taken to Twitter to explain, once and for all, that the studio will not be working on another Burnout game, or a NFS game, or a Road Rash game, or anything of the sort. “Here is what I want folks to know,” said Ward ... |
Criterion Games not planning new 'Need For Speed', 'Burnout' - Digital Spy
Criterion Games not planning new 'Need For Speed', 'Burnout' Digital Spy "No plans at present," he said in response to a question about a new Burnout installment. "Will do it when it feels right sometime. After 13 years it's not that time right now." He continued: "Here is what I want folks to know. Some folks are eternally ... |
Cognitieve beperkingen bij burn-out structureel - Artsennet - Artsennet
![]() Artsennet | Cognitieve beperkingen bij burn-out structureel - Artsennet Artsennet De mindere prestaties van patiënten met een burn-out lijken niet samen te hangen met opvattingen over vermoeidheid of afwijkende taakuitvoeringsstrategieën. Ze verbeterden ook niet door motiverende interventies. Burn-outpatiënten waren niet meer ... |
Criterion's Next Game Will Not Be Burnout (Or Black 2 Or NFS) - Kotaku Australia
Criterion's Next Game Will Not Be Burnout (Or Black 2 Or NFS) Kotaku Australia Today Criterion's Creative Director Alex Ward announced via Twitter that the team is working on something 'new'. And by something new it appears as though he means a completely new IP. Criterion's next game will not be a Burnout game, it will not be ... |
maandag 15 april 2013
Te weinig psychosociale hulp voor jeugd - SpitsNieuws
Te weinig psychosociale hulp voor jeugd SpitsNieuws Jongeren hebben vaker burn-out. Waren het eerder 35-plussers die een burn-out kregen, nu gaat het steeds vaker om jo... BINNENLAND. Reacties. Psychiater tegen client;.. Heeft u er wel eens over nagedacht dat u een gevoelloze egoist bent. Elke vorm van ... |
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