![]() Daily Mail | Jack Wilshere says injury could save him from burnout Daily Mail 'It was hard at times, because I really wanted to be out there. Not just for my own selfish reasons but I wanted to help the team too because we had some difficult periods last season. 'There were a few moments [it was hard to miss out on]. When ... |
donderdag 27 december 2012
Jack Wilshere says injury could save him from burnout - Daily Mail
woensdag 26 december 2012
Back from Burnout - derStandard.at
Back from Burnout derStandard.at Burnout bei Politikern ist häufig, wird aber fast nie zugegeben. Der oberösterreichische Grüne Rudi Anschober (Regierungsmitglied in einer schwarz-grünen Koalition) hat seinen Zustand einbekannt und eine dreimonatige Auszeit genommen. Kommenden ... |
Burnout becomes mass buttout - The Canberra Times
![]() The Canberra Times | Burnout becomes mass buttout The Canberra Times Artful Summernats 26! What had sounded like being this year's festival's mindless attempt on the Guinness World Burnout Record now looks as if it may after all have something mindful about it. This may spike some of the guns of some of the fogeys ... |
Swansea boss Laudrup has burnout fears for Michu - Tribalfootball.com
Swansea boss Laudrup has burnout fears for Michu Tribalfootball.com Swansea boss Laudrup has burnout fears for Michu. Submitted by tribalfootball.com on Wed, 12/26/2012 - 07:15. Swansea City boss Michael Laudrup has burnout fears for Michu. Laudrup admitted he fears the 26-year-old will burn out if he is not rested soon. |
maandag 24 december 2012
Epic. Minivan. Burnout. - CarBuzz - Car News and Reviews
![]() CarBuzz - Car News and Reviews | Epic. Minivan. Burnout. CarBuzz - Car News and Reviews Minivan. Burnout. Chrysler Videos Offbeat Burnouts The Smoking Tire. What does it take to smoke the tires on a Chrysler Town and Country? Matt Farah and company set out to find out. Car video host Matt Farah has proven himself capable of presenting all ... |
vrijdag 21 december 2012
Noord-Korea lanceert eerste 'race' game - Metronieuws.nl
![]() Metronieuws.nl | Noord-Korea lanceert eerste 'race' game Metronieuws.nl Noord-Korea lanceert eerste 'race' game. Tweet. Wie interesseert zich nog voor westerse games als Forza Motosport, Burnout of Need For Speed? Spring in de auto en geniet van een joyride door het centrum van Pyonyang, de hoofdstad van Noord-Korea! |
Jonge specialist gestresst door niet-medische zaken - Artsennet
![]() Artsennet | Jonge specialist gestresst door niet-medische zaken Artsennet Relatie met burnouts. Westerman laat zien dat juist deze onvoorbereidheid op algemene competenties gerelateerd is aan burnout onder nieuwe specialisten. 10 procent van hen voldoet aan de criteria van burnout en bijna 20 procent voelt zich emotioneel ... |
Video Of The Day: Santa Doing Burnout in 1000hp Saleen Mustang - GTspirit
![]() GTspirit | Video Of The Day: Santa Doing Burnout in 1000hp Saleen Mustang GTspirit Saleen has long been synonymous as a very high-end Ford Mustang tuner, with some of their more extreme builds lifting power of the American classic to well over 1000hp and a video of one of the brand's most powerful offerings was recently sent to us ... |
donderdag 20 december 2012
Burnout verschijnselen - Verstuur Persbericht (persbericht)
Burnout verschijnselen Verstuur Persbericht (persbericht) Veel mensen die met een burnout te maken krijgen, zagen het eigenlijk al langer aankomen, maar deden niks met de duidelijke signalen. Ze hadden last van slaapproblemen, concentratiestoornissen, hartkloppingen, zweetaanvallen en andere typische ... |
Praktijk Voel Jouw Kracht geopend sinds zomer 2012 - Dichtbij.nl
Praktijk Voel Jouw Kracht geopend sinds zomer 2012 Dichtbij.nl Je kunt hierbij denken aan: Persoonlijke groei, weerbaarheid, het tegen gaan van burnout, stress managen, leiding nemen, zelfwaardering, talent ontdekken, passie terugkrijgen, omgaan met mensen, van negatief naar positief, leven en werken, relaties, ... |
woensdag 19 december 2012
Blauzahn und Burnout - derStandard.at
![]() derStandard.at | Blauzahn und Burnout derStandard.at Da wollen die Bremerhavener Comet-Chefs mit ihrer "Höllenmaschine" und einem "6fach Finale aus Multicolor-Knallsternen und Cracklingwolken" dagegenhalten - und offerieren gleichzeitig einen "Burnout", der in einem "blauen Sternaufstieg mit silbernem ... |
Die Erschöpfung als Wendepunkt - Kurier
Die Erschöpfung als Wendepunkt Kurier Eine derart schwere Erschöpfung ist dann oft der Anlass, an seinem Leben etwas zu ändern, ein Wendepunkt“, betont Tomaschek-Habrina: „Viele Klienten sagen mir, das Burn-out war das Beste, was ihnen passieren konnte. Sonst hätten sie sich nie ... |
Kabinett berät über Maßnahmen: Neue Rezepte gegen Burn-out - taz.de
![]() taz.de | Kabinett berät über Maßnahmen: Neue Rezepte gegen Burn-out taz.de Uhlenhoff war ein Burn-out-Fall, so das allzu verallgemeinernde Schlagwort für diverse psychische Erkrankungen, darunter Depressionen, Angst- oder Schlafstörungen, gepaart mit dem Gefühl völliger Erschöpfung. „Ich war physisch und psychisch am Ende, ... |
dinsdag 18 december 2012
Nach Burnout: Landesrat Anschober kehrt zurück - DiePresse.com
Nach Burnout: Landesrat Anschober kehrt zurück DiePresse.com Oberösterreichs Umweltlandesrat und Landessprecher der Grünen, Rudi Anschober, will nach einer dreimonatigen Auszeit wegen Burnouts ab dem 24. Dezember seine Agenden wieder übernehmen. Das berichteten die "Oberösterreichischen Nachrichten" ... |
Burn-out, wel of niet werkgerelateerd? - Managers Online
![]() Managers Online | Burn-out, wel of niet werkgerelateerd? Managers Online Een Burnout is de consequentie van een sluipend proces van langdurige mentale/fysieke overbelasting. Deze kent een aantal duidelijke symptomen die herkenbaar zijn doch door de persoon die het overkomt, stelselmatig terzijde wordt geschoven. |
'Leeg gevoel' duidt vaak op burn-out - Managers Online
![]() Managers Online | 'Leeg gevoel' duidt vaak op burn-out Managers Online 23 november 2012 - Een op de acht werknemers heeft burn-outklachten. Deze mensen stellen dat ze zich leeg voelen en het vergt veel van hen om met anderen samen te werken. Leeg voelen blijkt de meest genoemde burn-outklacht, stelt Nell van de Ligt ... |
Groen is goed voor gezondheid - Trouw
![]() Trouw | Groen is goed voor gezondheid Trouw Het eerste centrum volgens dit concept wordt naar verwachting in het voorjaar van 2013 geopend, op Landpark Assisie in Biezenmortel. Vitura richt zich op de behandeling van stressgerelateerde ziekten, zoals burnout en overspannenheid, door middel van ... |
Onterechte angst voor huisarts - De Stentor
![]() De Stentor | Onterechte angst voor huisarts De Stentor Een volkomen ongegronde rem op het artsenbezoek, want de huisarts valt helemaal niet onder het eigen risico. Maar het is niet zo gek dat veel mensen het spoor bijster zijn geraakt. Je zou spontaan een burnout krijgen van al dat gedoe. © de Stentor, op ... |
maandag 17 december 2012
All Blacks: Overload leads to burnout - Sport - NZ Herald News - New Zealand Herald
All Blacks: Overload leads to burnout - Sport - NZ Herald News New Zealand Herald NZRU chief executive Steve Tew used the 31-year-old as an example when talking about how his organisation was living up to its promise of protecting its players against burnout. Last week's board meeting also discussed how many tests the All Blacks are ... |
How to Combat Burnout - Renal and Urology News
How to Combat Burnout Renal and Urology News Burnout is a complex issue and it can stem from any one of the daily challenges thrown at physicians. They are under pressure from insurers and employers to spend less time with patients; they are being held more accountable via ratings and surveys ... |
Burnout Handtaschen - Motorvision.de
![]() Motorvision.de | Burnout Handtaschen Motorvision.de Kein Geheimnis macht er dagegen aus der Technik, mit der jedermann heutzutage den „Fingerabdruck“ seines Autos auf eine Tasche bringen kann. Sein Facebook-Profil ist voll mit Videos, welche dokumentieren, wie so ein „Burnout“ entsteht. Zuerst wird der ... |
Aktiv gegen Burn-out - Apotheken Umschau
![]() Apotheken Umschau | Aktiv gegen Burn-out Apotheken Umschau Mit dem Begriff „Burn-out-Syndrom“ hatte Bernhard Gantner einen Namen für seine Befindlichkeit gefunden: ausgelaugt, antriebslos, erschöpft. So umschreiben viele Betroffene ihren Zustand. Und doch nehmen ihn viele lange nicht wahr, weil die Symptome ... |
zondag 16 december 2012
[Video] The Most Quiet Burnout Ever - Top Speed (blog)
[Video] The Most Quiet Burnout Ever Top Speed (blog) Jay Leno did a burnout once and he was surprised. But, with the PR guy sitting shotgun, he never really could unleash it like Ken Block would do in a Ford Mustang. So, we never really could see how capable an EV was in performing a simple yet ... |
Natalie Rickli will nach Burnout wieder arbeiten gehen - Schweiz - Aargauer ... - Aargauer Zeitung
Natalie Rickli will nach Burnout wieder arbeiten gehen - Schweiz - Aargauer ... Aargauer Zeitung Sie lässt aber offen, wann genau sie nach ihrem Burnout wieder zu arbeiten beginnt. Auf einer firmeninternen Website wandte sie sich kürzlich an die Mitarbeiter des Unternehmens. Sie schrieb: «Viele von Euch haben mir geraten, mir genügend Zeit für ... |
I,CAREGIVER: Beware of burnout - New Straits Times
I,CAREGIVER: Beware of burnout New Straits Times WHEN someone you love falls sick, there are typically two reactions — take charge of the situation and bring some sort of order to the household. Or hand the situation over to someone so that they can organise the resources, and family. It is usually ... |
vrijdag 14 december 2012
Burnout OUT! - Dichtbij.nl
Burnout OUT! Dichtbij.nl Maar wat is burnout nu eigenlijk? Wat heeft iemand nu precies? Hoe ga je ermee om? Hoe krijg je "het"? Wanneer grijp je in, wanneer je bij een van je collega's ziet dat het fout dreigt te gaan? Om het stellen van deze vragen een stuk makkelijker te ... |
Prevent Physician Burnout, Protect Patients | Hospital-Physician Relationships - Becker's Hospital Review
Prevent Physician Burnout, Protect Patients | Hospital-Physician Relationships Becker's Hospital Review There is no doubt that burnout, which has symptoms such as detachment, diminishing empathy and emotional exhaustion, negatively affects physicians. Almost half of all physicians in the country are suffering from at least one symptom of burnout ... |
Avoid Mental Burnout At Work - The Ledger
Avoid Mental Burnout At Work The Ledger Times are tough. Millions are unemployed, and many more are underemployed. College graduates are taking jobs typically employed by high school students. There are people with graduate degrees working in fast-food restaurants and they are not the ... |
Survey identifies career burnout as significant problem among hospital-based ... - News-Medical.net
Survey identifies career burnout as significant problem among hospital-based ... News-Medical.net A survey has identified career burnout as a significant problem among neurologists who predominantly work with hospital inpatients. Nearly 29 percent of these "neurohospitalists" said they had experienced burnout, and 45.8 percent said they were ... |
donderdag 13 december 2012
Hospital-based neurologists worry about career burnout - EurekAlert (press release)
Hospital-based neurologists worry about career burnout EurekAlert (press release) MAYWOOD, Il. - A survey has identified career burnout as a significant problem among neurologists who predominantly work with hospital inpatients. Nearly 29 percent of these "neurohospitalists" said they had experienced burnout, and 45.8 percent said ... |
Video: The Quiet Riot Of A Tesla Model S Burnout - Gas 2.0
Video: The Quiet Riot Of A Tesla Model S Burnout Gas 2.0 Electric cars are perceived by many people to be slow, quiet, and frankly a bit boring. And for the most part these people aren't wrong. The Tesla Model S sedan is the exception though, as it is fast, brash, and beautifully designed. It also does a ... |
Influence of Burnout and Shock on Turnover Intentions - Newswise (press release)
Influence of Burnout and Shock on Turnover Intentions Newswise (press release) Newswise — Experiencing shock and burnout in nursing can cause a worker to question their career and lead to higher turnover rates. One study found that 60 percent of nurses who decided to quit their job did so because of shocking experiences like ... |
Hospital-Based Neurologists Worry About Career Burnout - Newswise (press release)
Hospital-Based Neurologists Worry About Career Burnout Newswise (press release) Newswise — MAYWOOD, Il. - A survey has identified career burnout as a significant problem among neurologists who predominantly work with hospital inpatients. Nearly 29 percent of these "neurohospitalists" said they had experienced burnout, and 45.8 ... |
Burnout a high risk for workers with economic boom - Gladstone Observer
Burnout a high risk for workers with economic boom Gladstone Observer LET'S face it, Gladstone is a town where lots of people work lots of hours. The economic boom, the rise of major projects and the shortage of staff means the workload for some residents is bigger than ever and the risk of burning out, physically and ... |
woensdag 12 december 2012
Car impounded after burnout outside the Williamstown police station - Hobsons Bay Weekly
Car impounded after burnout outside the Williamstown police station Hobsons Bay Weekly Several police officers were outside the station on Nelson Parade when a 2009 G6 Ford Falcon sedan did a burnout in front of them about 3.30pm. The Ford was pulled over and impounded for 30 days. The driver, from Altona Meadows, is expected to be ... |
Funeral burnout driver loses licence - The Dominion Post
Funeral burnout driver loses licence The Dominion Post A boy racer who did burnouts at a friend's funeral has lost his licence for a year. Jake Tyrrell, 19, unemployed, of Trentham, was disqualified from driving for six months on charges of sustained loss of traction and dangerous driving. He was ... |
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