Netwerkevenement over burn-out CASTRICUM - Soms gaan alle seinen op rood en lijkt het of lichaam en geest de stekker eruit hebben getrokken. Je hebt een burn-out, je bent overspannen, opgebrand. Je bent emotioneel uitgeput en alle reserves zijn op. Tijdens het eerstvolgende ... |
maandag 29 oktober 2012
Netwerkevenement over burn-out -
donderdag 25 oktober 2012
Review: Forza Horizon -
Review: Forza Horizon Het bedrijf heeft er het personeel voor, met leden die ervaring opdeden met Project Gotham Racing, Driver, DIRT, Colin McRae Rally, GRID en Burnout. De nieuwe studio kreeg van Microsoft direct een uitdagend karwei toegeschoven. De eerste game waar ... |
dinsdag 23 oktober 2012
Doe alleen nog dingen die u leuk vindt - MT Management Team (Blog)
Doe alleen nog dingen die u leuk vindt MT Management Team (Blog) Mensen die een burnout gehad hebben, hebben zichzelf meestal opnieuw uitgevonden. De tips die daaruit voortkomen, kunt u echter ook zonder burnout inzetten, aldus podiumauteur Michiel Maassen. Wat doet u als u 's morgens wakker wordt? Eerst even ... |
GP prescription to recover from burnout - Irish Medical Times
![]() Irish Medical Times | GP prescription to recover from burnout Irish Medical Times I'm recovering from burnout, but I was never extinguished and now I'm re-igniting myself (not in the awful Buddhist form of protest) instead to get my mojo back. I'm not exactly sure what a 'mojo' is, but people always look happy when they've got it back. |
Review: Beautiful Burnout, Arts Depot, London - The Stage
Review: Beautiful Burnout, Arts Depot, London The Stage Hot from a successful worldwide tour, Frantic Assembly and National Theatre of Scotland's Beautiful Burnout is back and it's pulling no punches. Beautiful Burnout follows five boxers as they transform from ordinary street nobodies to masters of the ... |
maandag 22 oktober 2012
Criterion: 'We willen een nieuwe Burnout-game maken' -
Criterion: 'We willen een nieuwe Burnout-game maken' Ontwikkelaar Criterion is momenteel nog steeds bezig met de ontwikkeling van Need for Speed Most Wanted, maar ondanks dat feit heeft het al plannen voor een nieuwe Burnout-game. Dit is een van de dingen die het ontwikkelaarsteam sowieso nog wil ... |
Criterion loost conventies racegenre in NFS: Most Wanted -
Criterion loost conventies racegenre in NFS: Most Wanted Burnout. Het is dat de creative director er zelf over begint. De invloed van deze racefranchise met de nadruk op crashes was al duidelijk te merken in Hot Pursuit. Hoewel Most Wanted, net als Burnout Paradise, plaatsvindt in een overwegend stedelijk ... |
Meer advocaten thuis met burn-out - z24
![]() z24 | Meer advocaten thuis met burn-out z24 In 41 procent van de gevallen van arbeidsongeschiktheid onder advocaten gaat het om psychische problemen, zoals overspannenheid of een burn-out. Dit percentage neemt toe ten opzichte van vorige jaren. Dit is in vergelijking met andere beroepsgroepen ... |
Criterion: 'Veel racegames nemen zichzelf te serieus' - InsideGamer
![]() InsideGamer | Criterion: 'Veel racegames nemen zichzelf te serieus' InsideGamer Need for Speed- en Burnout-ontwikkelaar Criterion vindt dat veel racegames zichzelf te serieus nemen. Need for Speed: Most Wanted draait daarom om het zo bereikbaar mogelijk maken van direct plezier, zo stelt creative director Craig Sullivan in een ... |
Burnout The Vote: Residents Offered Free Pot To Cast Ballots - The Inquisitr
Burnout The Vote: Residents Offered Free Pot To Cast Ballots The Inquisitr Burnout The Vote: Residents Offered Free Pot To Cast Ballots. Posted: October 21, 2012. los-angeles-medical-marijuana-. Eagle Rock, CA — Anonymous fliers were distributed in this northeastern Los Angeles middle-class community offering $40 of medical ... |
zaterdag 20 oktober 2012
Need for Speed: Most Wanted preview: The best of NFS and Burnout -
Need for Speed: Most Wanted preview: The best of NFS and Burnout Need for Speed Most Wanted (2012) Screenshot Taking place in an open-world playground crammed full of challenges, collectables and sweeping races that span as wide as the city that hosts them, this reboot is in fact Burnout Paradise 2 in pretty much ... |
Criterion to make another Burnout game, probably Road Rash game too - Tech2
![]() Tech2 | Criterion to make another Burnout game, probably Road Rash game too Tech2 With Criterion working on the next game in the Need for Speed franchise – titled Need for Speed: Most Wanted – many gamers have been wondering one thing; will there be another Burnout game? Creative director of the company, Craig Sullivan, has said ... |
vrijdag 19 oktober 2012
Fighting burnout in a demanding specialty - Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants
Fighting burnout in a demanding specialty Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants Cardiothoracic surgery is dynamic, challenging, and consequential. If someone requires our services, it will be one of the most serious health issues that person will ever encounter. The hours are long, families are stressed, and at every turn big ... |
Invloedrijke CEO´s en burnout - Nationale Zorggids
![]() Nationale Zorggids | Invloedrijke CEO´s en burnout Nationale Zorggids Vanmiddag las ik op Twitter: 'Wat mooi dat invloedrijke mensen hun levenservaringen met ons durven te delen'. Het had betrekking op een artikel van NRC Carrière over de depressie van Nieuw Zeelandse Paul Huljich, voormalig CEO van een ... |
Criterion: 'Veel racegames nemen zichzelf te serieus' -
Criterion: 'Veel racegames nemen zichzelf te serieus' Need for Speed- en Burnout-ontwikkelaar Criterion vindt dat veel racegames zichzelf te serieus nemen. Need for Speed: Most Wanted draait daarom om het zo bereikbaar mogelijk maken van direct plezier, zo stelt creative director Craig Sullivan in een ... |
Criterion Games Say Burnout Series Will Return - ZoKnowsGaming
![]() ZoKnowsGaming | Criterion Games Say Burnout Series Will Return ZoKnowsGaming The guys at Criterion Games are more than busy at the moment, preparing for all the important post-launch tasks which will come their way after racer Need For Speed: Most Wanted hits shelves at the end of the month. What does the studio have on the ... |
donderdag 18 oktober 2012
Criterion: 'We willen een nieuwe Burnout-game maken' -
Criterion: 'We willen een nieuwe Burnout-game maken' Ontwikkelaar Criterion is momenteel nog steeds bezig met de ontwikkeling van Need for Speed Most Wanted, maar ondanks dat feit heeft het al plannen voor een nieuwe Burnout-game. Dit is een van de dingen die het ontwikkelaarsteam sowieso nog wil ... |
Criterion Will Make Another Burnout - TheGamersHub
Criterion Will Make Another Burnout TheGamersHub Criterion Will Make Another Burnout. No Comments. As wonderful as Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit was and Most Wanted will be, we all know that we'd love to see Criterion return to the Burnout franchise that really stole the show when it came to arcade racers. |
How To Avoid Late Season Burnout - Triathlete Europe
How To Avoid Late Season Burnout Triathlete Europe How To Avoid Late Season Burnout. By Chris Carmichael; Published 30 mins ago. comments; Tweet · Share · Share. Print. Assuming you've wrapped up your goal Olympic-distance or 70.3 race by the end of September, you're likely feeling worked over. |
Crisis maakt personeel gestresst -
Crisis maakt personeel gestresst Bezuinigingen op de werkvloer leiden ertoe dat werk met minder mensen moet worden uitgevoerd en werknemers vaak uit angst voor hun baan te laat aan de bel te trekken als ze last krijgen van burnout-achtige klachten. Uit onderzoek van de private kliniek ... |
Criterion Studios says there will be another Burnout - HEXUS
![]() HEXUS | Criterion Studios says there will be another Burnout HEXUS Guildford-based developer, Criterion Studios will be working on a new Burnout game “at some point” in the future. The studios are currently busy furnishing EA with cool episodes of Need for Speed but in an interview with The Guardian creative director ... |
Need for Speed: Most Wanted -
Need for Speed: Most Wanted [reply] Door liersie, vrijdag 12 oktober 2012 13:25. Score: 0. Ziet er gaaf uit, maar ik blijf erbij het lijkt wel een mix tussen hot pursuit(de nieuwe) en burnout. [reply] Door LOTG, vrijdag 12 oktober 2012 13:49. Score: 0. Ik denk dat A Criterion ... |
Sociaal geconnecteerd in NFS: Most Wanted - PlayStationPure
![]() PlayStationPure | Sociaal geconnecteerd in NFS: Most Wanted PlayStationPure Dit is te veel Burnout/ Motorstorm, natuurlijk te verwachten als je kijkt naar de makers... Achja is het niet zo arcade achtig als ik denk... Quote » Reageer ». 4. Merlion zegt op 12/10/2012 12:32: Bij criterion hebben ze met burnout paradise bewezen ... |
Criterion *will* make another Burnout and probably a Road Rash too - The Gaming Vault
Criterion *will* make another Burnout and probably a Road Rash too The Gaming Vault Burnout and decent Need For Speed developer Criterion Games confirmed to British newspaper The Guardian, that a new Burnout game would arrive at some point in the future as well as their own take on the cult Road Rash franchise. Click after the break ... |
Criterion will do another Burnout game - Fudzilla
Criterion will do another Burnout game Fudzilla Because of the motorbike DLC that Criterion released for Burnout Paradise, it seems that everyone thinks they will be doing a Road Rash title at some future time. Right now, the studio is focused on the Need for Speed franchise, with the Most Wanted ... |
Burnout zal terugkomen volgens Criterion Studios -
Burnout zal terugkomen volgens Criterion Studios Burnout, de zeer gegeerde franchise van Criterion Studios, komt terug. Volgens de krant The Guardian zei creative director Craig Sullivan het volgende: “There's still a lot of stuff we want to do with driving, we will make another Burnout game at some ... |
Criterion Interested In Making Another Burnout… And Maybe Road Rash! - Kotaku Australia
Criterion Interested In Making Another Burnout… And Maybe Road Rash! Kotaku Australia But that's just a maybe. In a fantastic interview with The Guardian, Criterion developers Craig Sullivan and Alex Ward spoke in-depth about the upcoming Need for Speed Most Wanted, but also discussed what Criterion might work on in the future. Another ... |
Criterion says there will be another Burnout -
Criterion says there will be another Burnout When asked what Criterion's future held, Sullivan stated simply, "there's still a lot we want to do with driving," and yes, he then continued with the sweet words "we will make another Burnout game at some point. Obviously, as we're working on NFS we ... |
Criterion Promises Another 'Burnout' Game... Someday - (blog)
![]() (blog) | Criterion Promises Another 'Burnout' Game... Someday (blog) The relevant quote, which you can read in full below, shows that Criterion hasn't forgotten about Burnout--but being the shepherds of Need For Speed: Most Wanted and Hot Pursuit for EA seems to be occupying most of there time. Here's what Sullivan said ... |
Burnouts aren't banned: V8s - Fox Sports
Burnouts aren't banned: V8s Fox Sports On Wednesday the Gold Coast Bulletin reported that Victor Bray's drag racing act, which performs burnouts and donuts on-track during periods between races, have been dropped from this year's event. The Bulletin also reported that Matt Mingay's ... |
woensdag 17 oktober 2012
Burnout will be back, Criterion says - VG247
Burnout will be back, Criterion says VG247 “Obviously, as we're working on NFS we're thinking of really good ideas that aren't right for this series; there are ideas that we're going to explore with Burnout. And we wouldn't be making NFS or Burnout games if we didn't think the driving genre had ... |
Criterion promises new Burnout, but says Road Rash is 'good fit' - Shacknews
![]() Shacknews | Criterion promises new Burnout, but says Road Rash is 'good fit' Shacknews It's been four years since we've seen a proper Burnout game from Criterion. Lately, the studio has been assigned on the annualized Need for Speed series, having worked on Hot Pursuit and Most Wanted. Fans who fear that the team has abandoned its ... |
Criterion Not Done With Burnout Series -
![]() | Criterion Not Done With Burnout Series "We will make another Burnout game at some point. Obviously, as we're working on NFS we're thinking of really good ideas that aren't right for this series; there are ideas that we're going to explore with Burnout. And we wouldn't be making NFS or ... |
Criterion Not Done With Burnout, But May Opt To Branch Out - PSX Extreme
![]() PSX Extreme | Criterion Not Done With Burnout, But May Opt To Branch Out PSX Extreme The Burnout series may top the list for some, but don't forget that Criterion also made Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit and will be responsible for the upcoming Need for Speed: Most Wanted, which is slated to launch on October 30. So what are their plans ... |
Study Shows Link Between Nurse Burnout and Infections - U.S. Politics Today
Study Shows Link Between Nurse Burnout and Infections U.S. Politics Today The study also found that for each ten percent increase in the proportion of nurses reporting high burnout, there was approximately one extra catheter-associated urinary tract infection per 1,000 patients. Additionally, there were two additional ... |
Six Tips To Avoiding A Blogging Burnout - Forbes
![]() Forbes | Six Tips To Avoiding A Blogging Burnout Forbes All bloggers have been to that special burnout place before. It's that awkward moment when you feel like you've reached the end of your ideas rope and where the switch in your brain has turned to the “off” setting and is stagnating there until further ... |
dinsdag 16 oktober 2012
State government solar incentive scheme paperwork burnout - Courier Mail
State government solar incentive scheme paperwork burnout Courier Mail As latest figures showed the Sunshine Coast has the biggest take-up of solar, Energex said more than 72,000 applications were received in the fortnight before the sun set on the State Government's 44c solar feed-in tariff on July 9. To access the ... |
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